First of all sorry for writing so late but since we left Munich we could only access to the internet today! So here you have a little resume of what happened since Munich until we arrive to Verona.
If we said on our last message that too many things happened.. you'll be surprised with this one. Firstly, we were supposed to leave Munich at 7 am, but as the last days have been so tiring our bed felt awesomely good and we are too weak to deny the pleasures in life, so we only left the city at 11 am, but not after taking some cooooool pictures:
After a while driving on the German highway (where our car feels even smaller due to the amount of big, fast trucks/cars rolling like crazy) we decided to stop to feed the beasts (a.k.a. refuel), and that's where all the problems started.
PSEX didn't want to turn on, and the team readily put on their mechanic caps and started working on the problem (with t-shirts off to work on the tan at the same time, of course). As the starter motor seemed to be working nice, we thought that the problem might be in the spark plugs so we changed it and....... nothing: the beast just didn't want to come to life. After a couple of hours doing everything to try to fix the problem the gods of maluch sent us their angel: a polish truck driver (however this angel charges beer for solving problems). Boris (the name we invented for the polish angel) looked at car, sat inside and PUFF.. the car came to life ! This was one of the things in life that we couldn't find any explanation. Anyway, thank you Boris !
The 3 machines hit the road once again and on the next stop to refuel PSEX persisted with his own will to not turn on and we got back to the same problem, except this time we didn't have our polish truck driving angel. For about 1 or 2 hours the team was working on the car without any success and then we realized that there was some air flowing from the fuel pump to the engine. Taipas was so thirsty that he offered himself to suck out the air and drink some of the fresh 95 gasoline: "I prefer 98"- he said. After the air was sucked out, PSEX felt quite good and decided to come to life again !
Next we headed to the alps with the heavy PSEX struggling to climb up the mountains, some moments with a top speed at full throttle at 45 km/h. We don't think that these pictures capture the magnitude of this magic place. However you can get an idea of what we saw:
In these dangerous mountains what is the most dangerous thing that can happen ? Yeah that's right, it's the brakes failling: It happened to Rui's and Zezinho's car while approaching the petrol station. Rui hit the brake and the pedal went straight down without causing any effect. We were lucky to be running at low speed so nothing happened. After letting the cars rest for a while and cooling down the brakes we hit the road again.
You think this is too much ? Sorry, hold your pee for a while cause this is not the end yet.
After running for over 100 Km's since the last stop, we stopped on a petrol station and white smoke was comming out of Kalinka's (Joaos's and Taipas) engine. The problem ? The oil cap was missing, and there was oil everywhere but where it was supposed to be.. Luckily the engine was not wrecked. A coca-cola can replaced the missing part and we got into the cars, turned on our engines but unluckly the police arrived in that exact moment. The automatic money machine was broken and one of the cops suspected that we did it... after half an hour he just realized that we were not criminals and let us go.
After a while we decided to stop in order to check Kalinka's behaviour with it's Coca-Cola replacement part and guess what ? Instead of solving the problem, the can made it worse (PEPSI.. sponsor us !!!) We refilled Kalinka with oil and hit the road again, for another 10 minutes we were stopped by the police again. After some cheap talk they let us go and we finally headed to Verona to meet our friend Vicenzo who offered to host the entire crew. :)
For sure this was the worst day but we did it :D
ResponderEliminarOs Maluch são grande máquinas! Com jeitinho rolam até portugal sem mts problemas :P Nós conseguimos! Ainda bem que a saga se repete! Relativamente às bolhas de ar que passam na bomba de gasolina são um problema, um dos carros com que viemos tinha esse problema. É normal as bombas darem raia porque são de membrana. Nós na altura trouxemos uma a mais... Mas tb se resolve bem a crise sangrando o circuito... LOL
Outra coisa que nos deu problemas foi o regulador do relanti electrico do motor. O cabo electrico que esta ligada ao carburador estava solto...Bastou-nos ligar melhor akilo e bombou até PT.
Outro conselho, para os motores não aquecerem tanto, tirem as protecções laterais de entrada de ar para o motor e os spoilers traseiros.
Abraço e Força nisso :P HEHEHEE