terça-feira, 3 de agosto de 2010

Pit stop: Monaco

After what we supposed that would be a really resting night in Airole, this peaceful village in Monte Carlo, we had a visit of a strange creature in the middle of the night...someone jumped from bed to bed screaming like King Kong! When we open our eyes we found out that it was João with crazy nightmare! Just sleep João....

Well after this, we headed to one of the main targets!Hell yeah, Monaco!!!
If you think that in this small place where you can find everything money can buy, luxurious things like yachts, casinos and expensive cars are the main atrractions, just fast on your seat belts because Maluchs are about to enter Monaco circuit...

After almost 3 hours in Monaco traffiic, we left with Rui and Zezinho's car looking like it would brake at any moment. Climbing Monaco was hard and without relanti it was even harder. This car was doing so much noise in the 1st and 2nd gear that we really feared that our trip was about to finish earlier... but... we just continue!

The next stop would be Montpelier. After Monaco we just drove all day and night without any problems in the cars... we just made this stop to rest. We tried to find a beach where we could sleep but it was really hard... We "camped" in a small park and we woke up some four hours after with the sun frying our heads and of course the typical mosquitoes biting our backs!

2 comentários:

  1. Excelente! Adorei a volta vertiginosa no túnel do Mónaco!

  2. Boas pessoal! Parabéns pelo Blog e pela excelente aventura. Sera que algum de voces me poderia dar contactar por email? Gostaria muito de voltar para portugal de Fiat como voces mas gostava de saber mais alguma informação.
    email. mfabarreira@hotmail.com
